Over the next few weeks, Google will be making some changes to the Google Apps infrastructure that may affect you.

If you have used your Middlebury email address to sign up for “consumer” Google services, you will have to change the email address associated with those services to a non-Middlebury address. “Consumer” Google services are common web-based applications from Google such as: Alerts, Blogger, Books, Docs, iGoogle, Maps, Picasa Web Albums, Reader, Sites, Translate, and many others.

If you have an existing Middlebury Google Apps account, it will be automatically transitioned to the new Google Apps infrastructure. While your access to Middlebury Google Apps services won’t be affected by this change, the first time you log into Middlebury Google Apps after your account has transitioned, you will have to accept a new terms of service agreement.

If you have any questions, please contact gadmin@middlebury.edu for more information.

Chris Norris
LIS Administration