In the late 1980′s a popular “out of bounds” ski tour from the Rikert Touring Center at Breadloaf included an abandoned homestead which people referred to as “The Blue Bed House”. Mind you, there was never a blue bed in this derelict, but still partially standing home in my memory, but some more experienced skiers claimed that […]…Continue Reading The Wreckage Formerly Known as The Blue Bed House
Day: October 7, 2010
Leaf Color
I’ve been reading quite a bit this fall in various newspapers, web sites, etc. about the science of leaf change, and I thought, well, heck, there goes another blog post. I don’t see the sense to retread ground others are covering. By now, you’ve probably read that leaf color changes by the shortening of day-length […]…Continue Reading Leaf Color
Midd Meets Hockenberry
Journalist John Hockenberry recently paid a visit to Middlebury. Check out what he had to say….Continue Reading Midd Meets Hockenberry