We will be hosting two sessions next week to help answer this question. One session will focus on how MiddLab can be used alongside faculty and student research projects and another on how MiddLab can work with offices on campus related to research events. You are welcome to attend either and there is a lot of overlap between these topics.

  • Tuesday, October 5, 4-5PM in LIB 105: We will discuss how MiddLab has been used to discuss articles in student publicationssummer research projectstheatre performances, and live presentations. We’ll briefly show you how you can create your own page in MiddLab and leave plenty of time for questions and discussion on how MiddLab can be used to provide a space for discussion of student and faculty research.
  • Wednesday, October 6, 1-2PM in LIB 105: We’d like to talk to faculty and staff working in the many offices who support research and learning at the College (Academic Affairs, ACE, CCSRE, CTLR, Grants, LIS, OLR, SA, URO, SFS, STSS, Sustainability Integration, and surely several more). We’ll demonstrate how MiddLab has been useful in providing a continued space for the project and events you create as members of these offices, like the Life Stories project in CCSREstaff research projects, or the many presentations at the Spring and Summer URO Symposiums. We’ll briefly show you how projects are added to MiddLab and leave plenty of time for questions and discussion.

We hope to see you there! As always, if you have any questions about MiddLab, or would like to add your work to the growing list of projects, let us know by sending an email to middlab@middlebury.edu. More information is available on the About MiddLab site, or in anarticle in this week’s issue of The Campus.

Add a MiddLab widget to your site!

We’ve added a new content type to Drupal that can display a MiddLab project in your site’s sidebar. To use this, edit your sidebar page and click Add in the Edit Console, thene select “MiddLab Widget” from the list of content types. You’ll then see a list of checkboxes with MiddLab themes, departments, and offices. Check the boxes that are appropriate to your area and save the new node.

The result will look something like this:

This is a neat, and very easy, way to highlight student, faculty, and staff work that takes place in your department or is sponsored by your office. If your department or office doesn’t have any projects in MiddLab right now and you’d like us to add some, we’d love to hear from you. Again, just email middlab@middlebury.edu.