One of my frequent failings in landscaping is my overall excitement when starting a job, especially here at Middlebury. So much of the work we do in the department for new plantings is ripping out large, overgrown, outdated landscape shrubs. Crank up the chainsaw, get the backhoe in position, and dive right in. The failing? […]…Continue Reading New Planting for Pearson Hall
Day: September 7, 2010
Easier event scheduling and more in Google Calendar
Google writes that: A new event page in Google Calendar has been introduced. Among the changes such as simplified layout and making the style more consistent with other Google apps, some new functionality has also been added: New repeating event … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Easier event scheduling and more in Google Calendar
New collaborative highlighting in Google Documents
From the Google Apps Updates blog… “When editing a document with other editors, you can now see the text that other editors are highlighting as they select it. This makes it much easier to collaborate on deleting and moving text … Continue reading →…Continue Reading New collaborative highlighting in Google Documents
Priority Inbox now in Gmail!
While we haven’t turned the Gmail service on for the Middlebury Google Apps instance yet, it is good to know that if/when we do, people will be able to use Gmail’s new Priority Inbox! If you haven’t tried it yet … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Priority Inbox now in Gmail!