Present: Mary Backus, Mike Lynch, Carol Peddie, Mike Roy
We agreed that everyone would check in with the folks working on Google Apps/Outlook evaluations to make sure they were on-target to complete their evaluations by late August.
Mike L, Mike R and Shel to discuss campus cluster computing needs and what we can do to meet these needs.
We agreed that we need to have further discussion of the not to do list, both to examine the impact of the decisions we’ve made, and to continue to look critically at our services to make sure we have left no stone unturned.
We discussed the results of the recent employee satisfaction survey, and will have further discussion at manager’s mtg and upcoming all-LIS staff meeting.
We will approach the identity management group and challenge them to write a set of scenarios that describe students, faculty, and staff moving to and from MIIS to surface issues with existing systems. This conversation led to a discussion of how we handle information about members of our community who die, and the need to clarify our policies and procedures in these situations.
We brainstormed ideas for how to encourage MIIS IT and Library staff to join LIS meetings from time to time.