Present: Mike Lynch, Carol Peddie, Shel Sax, Mike Roy, Mary Backus, Terry Simpkins (notes)
Guest: Rick James
Rick James joined us to discuss how we will support the Distributed File System (DFS) for Mac users. There is no native DFS support in MacOS 10.6, so we need to look at 3rd-party solutions. One such solution that seems […]…Continue Reading Area 51 notes – July 29, 2010
Day: August 6, 2010
Area 51 notes – July 15, 2010
Present: Mary Backus, Mike Lynch, Carol Peddie, Mike Roy
We agreed that everyone would check in with the folks working on Google Apps/Outlook evaluations to make sure they were on-target to complete their evaluations by late August.
Mike L, Mike R and Shel to discuss campus cluster computing needs and what we can do to meet these […]…Continue Reading Area 51 notes – July 15, 2010
New Access to Software
Over the next few weeks I will be working on consolidating all of the software installers that are currently on the college servers into a new server folder structure. All software installers that we have in electronic version will be on middfiles\Software2 and then once the permissions are in place will rename the folder to […]…Continue Reading New Access to Software