NExpress ArticleReach Ending, NExpress loans to continue.

By consensus of the NExpress Consortium, NExpress ArticleReach has been retired.  With all of the participating NExpress schools now using Rapid it was determined that we could provide the same service to our patrons while using one fewer system for processing requests.    All articles currently delivered to a My Midcat account will remain for the […]…Continue Reading NExpress ArticleReach Ending, NExpress loans to continue.

Academic Year Faculty – Summer Borrowing

A reminder that you may find the following borrowing services handy when off campus this summer.
Traveling to Maine or Massachusetts? You can borrow directly from our NExpress partner libraries with your Midd ID.
Traveling in VT? You can borrow at other participating VT schools through VCAL.
Wishing you all a good summer!…Continue Reading Academic Year Faculty – Summer Borrowing