This came in today from NITLE; for those who are still planning out their professional development plans, this might be of interest.
– mike
I invite you to take a look at the Camp schedule and consider how you might use these offerings to advance your campus’s mission. At this year’s NITLE Summit we tackled the theme “Advancing towards Liberal Arts 3.0” on a strategic level, considering the impact of changes in the technological and information environment on the curriculum, scholarly research, support infrastructure, and liberal education generally. NITLE Camp 2010 is about the skills, practices, information, and relationships that members of your faculty and professional staff need to support the sorts of strategic moves discussed at the Summit. Sending your innovative faculty members and front-line technologists, librarians, and other staff members to Camp can help you promote innovation on campus.
Let me highlight Camp events that follow up on Summit sessions:
- The Multimedia Track lays out practical steps for advancing “Media Fluency” as described by Gardner Campbell.
- The Assessment Track follows up on the “Assessing the Impact of Information Literacies and Technologies on Learning” session and will further the efforts of an assessment working group in the NITLE community. Robert Gonyea of NSSE will also be delivering the Camp keynote address.
- The Mobile Track fleshes out the theme of mobile technologies in Bryan Alexander’s opening keynote.
- The Digital Scholarship Track includes an Open Access workshop, following up on Kathleen Fitzpatrick’s keynote address on “The Future of Scholarly Publishing.” It also features an XML & TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) workshop to teach one practical application of the Digital Humanities.
General and updated information about Camp is available on the NITLE Camp Blog, including
- Schedule Overview
- How to Register (early registration ends May 21)
- Costs and Packages
- Lodging & Travel
NITLE Camp 2010 runs June 21-24 at DePauw University. Participants can sign up for as much or as little as they choose. To help keep costs down for participants, NITLE has secured low-cost, on-campus housing ($35/night, includes breakfast); kept the cost for the community meetings on June 22 to $25 (for food); and set multiday package pricing at a discount.
We hope that you and others from your campus can join us. Please feel free to contact Rebecca Davis at or 512.863.1734 for more information.