Mud Season Traipsing

The snow has melted away at lower elevations (except for in my yard, but that is another story), the sun is shining, and the weather is warm.  Is Spring here?  No way – this is all Vermonters’ favorite time of the year, Mud Season, and chances are good that true “Spring” is a few weeks […]…Continue Reading Mud Season Traipsing


The talk in our landscape department this morning was the peeper emergence lasts night. Being outdoor types, most of us sleep with the windows open, even with the woodstove blaring. It paid off last night, as the sound of peepers from my pond filled my bedroom.
Proving once again biologists have a sense of language, Spring Peepers are […]…Continue Reading Peepers!!!!

Google Apps for Government

Last September, federal CIO Vivek Kundra argued that the US government cannot continue to invest in its own data centers and so plans to set up its own federal cloud computing services ( see:  At the same time, Google announced plans to make a government cloud to provide government agencies with access to Google […]…Continue Reading Google Apps for Government