Segue from Segue Usage Analysis: Language Learning Resources

Part of the Segue from Segue project involves analyzing how faculty and students at Middlebury have used technology for teaching, learning and research.  Last week, I published an overview of Segue Usage.  This week I have compiled notes on my review of curricular resources that the Language Schools and departments have developed with Segue and […]…Continue Reading Segue from Segue Usage Analysis: Language Learning Resources

Segue from Segue Focus Group Sessions

To help find platforms to replace Segue, the Library and Information Services (LIS) Curricular Technology team will be coordinating the formation of Segue from Segue focus groups.  The goal of these focus groups is to understand how faculty teach and how they use the technologies currently available to them at Middlebury and beyond.
To ensure focus […]…Continue Reading Segue from Segue Focus Group Sessions

Usage Analysis: Language Learning Resources

The Language Schools and language departments have long been innovators in the use of technology.  I have reviewed many of the language learning resource sites that have been created over the years and drafted a description of some of the ways Segue has been used for language instruction, see:  Language Learning Resources
I invited others to […]…Continue Reading Usage Analysis: Language Learning Resources