laptopIf the document you need to print is in Word, Excel, or PDF format, you can upload it from your laptop or desktop to a print queue via a web interface and then release it from the release stations, eliminating the step of having to print it from a library or lab computer.
Here’s how!
To print from your laptop when on the campus network:
Connect to
Logon with your Middlebury [email] username/password
From the lefthand menu, select “Web Print”
Click on “Submit a Job >>”
Select a printer from the list
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “2. Print Options and Account Selection”
Specify number of copies, if you’d like
Click on “3. Upload Document”
Click on “Browse” to select the document on your computer that you wish to have printed
Click on “Upload & Complete”

Please contact the Technology Help Desk with any questions.