Cool It

That’s right, saber-rattling has recommenced in the Damascus-Tel-Aviv neighborhood. The headlines on Aljazeera, Al Sharq Al Awsat and Haaretz are splashed with stressful tidings from the two capitals, and I can’t shake the feeling that we’re dealing with Otto von Bismarck from time to time on both sides of the Golan.  It is nothing new […]…Continue Reading Cool It

Winter Term

Hello all, I’m back now. Thanks for your emails wondering if I am still around. I am. I had the pleasure of teaching a Winter Term course, BIOL 1003- Trees and the Urban Forest. What fun it was to join in the Middlebury experience from the faculty side, as opposed to being the staff guy […]…Continue Reading Winter Term

Course Reserves

With Spring Term about to begin, Library Reserves is busy preparing print, media, and electronic materials for course work. The best way to contact the Reserves Department with requests and questions is through the Library Reserve mailbox: Email is the best way to ensure a timely response to all Reserve needs. Please don’t hesitate […]…Continue Reading Course Reserves