Gender, Education, and Power

Girls’ and women’s access to education has been a critical issue in both national and international politics, with efforts spanning from colonial times to the present day. Despite global initiatives and improvements in enrollment rates, significant challenges such as gender disparities and completion rates persist, highlighting ongoing inequities and the need for a more nuanced understanding of inclusive and equitable education.

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Student submission by Grace Sokolow:

Category: Female education

Description: This floral sticker posted on the inside of a women’s restroom stall at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand reads: “Try a hello cup instead – trust us, they’re bloody brilliant.” At the start of this semester, there were no menstrual products available in any university bathrooms. A few weeks into the term, this has started to change; now pads and tampons are available in certain toilet blocks, with signs in most others indicating where the closest supply is. This is the first I’ve seen or heard of menstrual cups in New Zealand!