Tag Archives: network

New videoconferencing IP addresses for Middlebury

As of Friday, September 6th, 2013, LIS switched over all videoconferencing rooms at Middlebury to a new, more reliable network for videoconferencing. As a result, our IP addresses have changed. If you schedule and run videoconferences without LIS support, you should be aware of the new IP addresses. The new addresses can be found on this page (login required).

Please contact the Help Desk if you have any questions.

Short Network Outages in Academic and Administrative Buildings this Sunday morning

During this Sunday’s regular maintenance window we will be upgrading the operating system on the Juniper network switches.  Each switch will need to be restarted after the upgrade and thus there will be a 5 minute network outage for the local network served by each switch in the following buildings at some point between 7 am and 10 am Sunday morning:

Athletics (including Natatorium and Rink)


Bicentennial Hall

Center for the Arts







Old Chapel



Service Building





Youngman Field

Thank you.

Network upgrades (Sunday morning down-time)

This Sunday, during the regular maintenance down-time window, we will be completing network upgrades in Kenyon Arena, as well as replacing network connectivity equipment in Twilight Hall that serves the small residence houses on the east side of campus.   Network service will be interrupted for about an hour in Kenyon, and there will be brief interruptions (a few minutes) of service to various east campus residences as network connections are moved.   The rest of campus should not be affected.

Did the network just get faster?

Generally LIS only hears about it when our systems aren’t responding quickly enough or aren’t working at all.  We almost never get a call saying, “Gee, the servers have been up for a very long time without crashing!” or “My gosh, our network is extremely reliable and response time has been really fast lately!”  Nevertheless, we continue to work very hard to keep everything running and at top speed.  We regularly make improvements behind the scenes to benefit the whole community.  One recent such improvement was a doubling of the size of our primary Internet connection. Continue reading

Sunderland Fiber Repairs Have Been Successfully Completed

Submitted by Howie McCausland

Technicians from BTS worked all weekend rebuilding the water-damaged fiberoptic infrastructure in the Sunderland basement wirecloset. Service was restored to Sunderland, the ILC computer labs, and Johnson by midday Sunday; service was restored to Wright Theatre early Monday morning. All damaged fibers were reterminated, with patch panels mounted in a new location where they will no longer be subject to dripping water laden with caustic chemicals.

Before (first photo) and After (second photo)

(Behind the new rack, you can see the rust stains left on the wall from the old corroding boxes and white streaks where alkali-laden water has run down the wall.)

We also used this time to replace and upgrade the ethernet switches serving Sunderland, and to improve the fiber cabling used by Media Services for video and TV feeds from the Sunderland satellite farm.

(We hope in the near future to do a similar “extreme makeover” to the network gear serving Proctor. The situation there isn’t quite so dire, but the extensive revovations offer us the opportunity to relocate the network gear away from the heat and humidity of the current mechanical room.)