Topic 1: Team collaboration processes.
Tasks to accomplish between meetings should be proposed during the meeting, not proposed between meetings. If proposed between meetings, should not have no expectations of accomplishment.
Communications strategies, EMail vs. Google Docs. Be clear about what is up for debate, what is not.
Vote: Email will be sent to team list. New message threads with descriptive subjects will be created for new topics. (unanimous)
Q: How does the CT site relate to our main charge?
A: A good CT site helps direct users to CT tools and services and helps users make better usage of all things we provide.
Topic 2: CT Site IA
Uses will be categorized under the following categories (to start):
- Video
- Audio
- Graphics
- Web Publishing
- Data Collection & Analysis
- Presentation
- Course (stuff?)
- Discussion
Uses will often fall under multiple categories. This should be encouraged to allow our constituents to find things even if they would assume categorization different from us.
Vote: Alex (and possibly others) will fill in uses into the categories for the next meeting. The categories decided will not be changed. Other categories can be proposed at the Oct 27th meeting. (unanimous)
Vote: Do we want to keep the Buzzwords category? Yes (unanimous)
Vote: Are we generally happy with the buzzword list? Yes (unanimous)