Tag Archives: Meetings

ACTT Kick-off Meeting: April 5th, 2016

Tuesday, April 5th from 3-4pm
LIB 105A or Polycom 712833


We will be starting the new ACTT process with a Kick-Off meeting. This is an open, non-mandatory meeting for anyone who is interested in learning about the Academic Cyberinfrastructure Transformation Team to attend. We will introduce the new team members, structure, and thoughts on how the Team activities will be evaluated.

This is an open meeting, please share with anyone who is interested in learning about the ACTT.

Overview of Projects and Priorities

The Curricular Technology team did a lot of brainstorming over the summer.  This seems like a good time to step back and compare what we have done to what our priorities are:


We have a lot of projects started whose focus is to find one or more replacements for Segue including a CT feature matrix, a CT needs “knowledge grid” (i.e. what do we know and not know about technologies that faculty and students need), course site platform survey questions.

Meeting Notes 2009-09-01

This meeting focused on brainstorming about the use of curricular technologies at Middlebury in terms of:

  • What we know about how faculty/students are using curricular technologies now
  • What we need to verify about their technology usage
  • What we don’t know about what faculty/students want or need in terms of curricular technologies now and/or in the future

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