Tag Archives: film screening

Taste of The World 2018!

image of a wooden cart full of books

Join the Student Government Association’s Social Affairs Committee as they celebrate cultural expo “Taste of the World” from January 22nd- 26th, 2018.

Quick Announcement: This week, January 22nd- 26th, the Student Government Association’s (SGA) Social Affairs Committee is hosting a cultural expo called “Taste of the World,” featuring foods from all over the globe. This week-long event includes explorations of world cuisine, calligraphy, dance workshops, a film screening of Fruitvale Stationan open-mic night interspersed with performances by dance troupes Evolution, Riddim, K-Pop and many more! There will also be a panel addressing several types of art featuring Christal Brown (Dance), Damascus Kafumbe (Music) and Marissel Hernández-Romero (Spanish & Portuguese)! For more information, see the event’s Facebook page at go/middlebury.edu/taste and stop by the Davis Family Library to see this thematic display! Event Contact: Adiza Mohammed, adizam@middlebury.edu.

Media needed for screenings: borrowing policies

This is a reminder that on the day of a scheduled screening, films may not be borrowed prior to the screening. Students may borrow films immediately after a screening, or on any day prior to the day of the scheduled screening, and regular reserve loan guidelines apply.

This policy is in place so we can guarantee that the media needed for a screening is accounted for, clean, and ready to go for a screening.

This policy has been in place for over a year, so students and faculty should already be aware of this policy and the need to plan accordingly. Please refer any questions to a Circulation Desk supervisor — we’re happy to help explain our policies to our borrowers.

Films Scheduled for Screenings by Media Services

Submitted by Elin Waagen

To ensure quality and availability, films that are scheduled to be screened by Media Services staff are set aside by Circ staff – after cleaning, repairing (by P&P staff if needed) and verifying availability. On the day of a scheduled screening, films may not be borrowed prior to the screening. Students may borrow films after a screening, or on any day prior to the day of the scheduled screening, and regular reserve loan guidelines apply. This only applies to films that are listed in the daily Media Services screening schedule. Films are listed in the daily film screening schedule only when a faculty member requests that Media Services staff provide technical support to a class screening.
If a faculty member has a film on reserve and will be screening the film themselves, this policy does not apply.

Media on Reserve – Scheduled for Film Screening Support

Submitted by Elin Waagen

We are testing a new procedure this spring to improve internal workflow and availability of media scheduled for film screening support.

Films that are scheduled to be screened by Media Services staff will be set aside the morning of the screening by Main Circ staff – after cleaning, repairing (if needed) and verifying availability.
On the day of a scheduled screening, films may not be borrowed prior to the screening.
Students may borrow films immediately after a screening, or on any day prior to the day of the scheduled screening, and regular reserve loan guidelines apply.

This only applies to films that are listed in the daily Media Services screening schedule. Films are listed in the daily film screening schedule only when a faculty member requests that Media Services staff provide technical support to a class screening.
This change does not apply to films that faculty members will be screening themselves.

There were no problems noted with this change during Winter Term trial, and initial feedback from Circ staff and student employees at the front desk has been positive.

Please pass along questions and concerns.