Tag Archives: circulation

Circ Equipment weeding

Greetings, all. In this time of toil and woe, we regret to inform you that Circulation has removed some equipment from our loaner pool. While we don’t doubt there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth over the loss of these extremely popular items, we stand firm in our conviction that these changes are necessary in this “new Norman” or whatever it’s called.

The following were laid to rest with all due process, pomp, and circumstance on the 24th of March, 2010.: Continue reading

For you to use: be your own DJ

From the archives of the LIS eNewsletter, November 2008

If you need equipment for an upcoming audio or recording project, stop by the Main, Armstrong, and Music Library Circulation Desks — we have a variety of options to choose from:

Digital Voice Recorders: Small and portable, these can be used to record a lecture, meeting, or interview; then simply plug it into a USB port on a computer to download or upload files. Lapel microphones are also available for use with these recorders for higher quality sound recording.

iPods and iTalks: You know all about iPods, but did you know they’re available to borrow from the library? And if you would like to do an audio recording on one of our iPods, or on your personal iPod, we have iTalks for that purpose as well. We also have higher memory iPods that can be used for video projects.

USB Microphones: Microphone on small stand with USB connection; great for anyone who needs to record audio.

WebCams: Perfect for webcasting and face-to-face video conferencing.

Headsets with microphones: Another option for voice recording, or for use with Skype.

Computer speakers: Plug into a PC, laptop, or iPod

Check out go/equipment for an overview of our most popular equipment, including information on reserving equipment, quick tips, links to user manuals, loan period guidelines, and MIDCAT availability.

Questions?  Please call the Main Library Circulation Desk at 443-5494.

End of paging service for on-campus borrowers

As of October 1, you’ll notice that the “place request” button in MidCat no longer displays for materials with an “available” status. Due to decreased staffing resources, Circulation Services will no longer be able to retrieve requested materials from library shelves for on-campus borrowers.
While it was a valued service for our on-campus borrowers, a large amount of staff time was used to fill the many requests, time that must now be redirected towards core borrowing services. Please continue to alert the Circulation desks to materials that you are unable to locate – we are still here to help!

The Circ Team is blogging

Submitted by Elin Waagen

During the past year, Circulation Services expanded the use of shared departmental mailboxes, folders, calendars and wiki pages to include a departmental blog. This proved to be an easy to use, easily searchable format for staying current with frequent updates – and reduced the barrage of inter-departmental email considerably.
In the past few months we expanded the use of the blog to include updates and reminders to Circ student staff at all branch locations. Circ staff post updates/info on the Circ blog as needed and student employees read – and comment on the blog – when they arrive on shift, rather than being inundated by work related email when not at work. We utilize categories to make content relevant to the home branch of the student employee, making it easy for staff to push out updates.
If you have any reminders, updates or information relevant to any/all of the Circ desks, Circ staff and/or Circ student employees, please pass it along – we’d be happy to post it on the Circ blog.