LIS staff art show featured in this new blog here.
Tag Archives: blog
Why Blog?
Why blog? A survey of library bloggers as a Wordle. Why do you blog?
LIS Blog header
Go link for LIS Blog
Blog categories
Should we change the blog categories in any way? Should “*The Essentials” remain the default?
Rational – it can be confusing to use the current categories. See what is categorized currently as essential and what is not.
Some suggestions:
1) *The Essentials is not needed. All readers should subscribe to the whole blog and pick what they’re interested in cp. reading sections of newspapers or subscribing to any other blog.
2) or should the default category just be changed to “Areas and Workgroups” i.e. LIS centric with action required to categorize as “*The Essentials”
3) and/or should “*The Essentials” be renamed “*The Essentials (all campus)”
The One and Only – All Things LIS Blog
Voted yes on the one-blog readiness; will discuss how to launch at our next meeting.
Current categories listed below. Any change before we move ahead?
External Audience – term used TBD by vote by Fri 9/18 at 5 pm
Areas and Workgroups – use name of area as the category and use functions of the work area as tags (audience is mostly internal)
* Academic Consulting Services – research support, instruction, liaison
* Collection Management – aquire, catalog, preserve, maintain resources
* Enterprise Technology & Infrastructure – programming, systems, reporting, network
* LIS Administration – budget, planing, policy, assessment, strategy
* User Services – technology help and support, borrowing and lending, computing support, computing labs, media and event support
* Middlebury
* Language Schools
* Schools Abroad
* Bread Loaf School of English
* Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference
* Area Directors
* Curricular Technology
* Digitization
* LIS Website
State of the Blogosphere 2008
Check this link for a report on the state of the blogosphere
New Blog?
I’ve decided to set this up as my new blog, removing content from the old blog which was hosted on our local development copy of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. Nothing against that software, but it’s easiest for me to maintain this content offsite, since I don’t have to log in through the VPN to do my editing. Also, with upgrades and other software moves, I didn’t want to keep re-creating my blog when we moved the development server around.
I’ve imported some of the more public-friendly posts from the old blog, which were mostly updates on our development progress with various systems. There was some other old content having to do with visits to conferences, but the content skirted the line on what I’d like to have on a public site, which is where I’d like to focus the efforts of this blog from now on.
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