Friday Links – February 12, 2016

The New Media Consortium (NMC) and EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) are jointly releasing the NMC Horizon Report > 2016 Higher Education Edition at the 2016 ELI Annual Meeting. This 13th edition describes annual findings from the NMC Horizon Project, an ongoing research project designed to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have an impact on learning, teaching, and creative inquiry in higher education.
[Watch the video summary]

@MiddInfoSec: Information Security RoadShow: 2/23/2016

Plan ahead for a lunch and learn RoadShow. On February 23rd, 2016 ITS-Information Security will be hosting a RoadShow conversation on safe computing practices and phishing avoidance techniques in Lib145 from 12:00 to 1:00. This conversation is open to the entire Middlebury community. All are encouraged to come.

Topics include:

  • How to spot a phish
  • Safe download practices and installing applications on your computer
  • Data classification and sensitive data
  • Removable media and when to use it
  • Password management and what to do with all of those passwords


Follow ITS-Information Security on Twitter: @MiddInfoSec

Weekly Web Updates – February 8, 2015

New Features

In collaboration with College Communications, the new site for February Orientation uses a responsive design to make it easy to browse on mobile devices. This is a sub-theme in our main Drupal site, meaning that the same features are available as elsewhere on the site, just presented differently for these sub-pages. The responsive theme works best with content designed to be shown at multiple viewport resolutions, so it’s something we’ll roll out to new portions of the site that have carefully crafted content.


Tweaks & Fixes

  • We have removed the “Profiles” view from the main Middlebury site. This was used to aggregate profiles from multiple sub-pages, but was difficult to set up and made sorting the profiles a pain. We moved away from this on all academic sites over a year ago, but have finished migrating the other portions of the site that were using this. The documentation on using Profiles on the Middlebury site is now accurate for all instances of this content type.
  • The Group Manager now has a “super admin” role that can modify group membership, allowing us easier management of web permissions groups maintained by people who have since left Middlebury or are otherwise unavailable.
  • Fixed the Group Manager‘s notification system — changes to groups are now reflected in the Drupal sites after approximately 20 seconds rather than waiting until the next full sync.
  • The NextGEN Gallery plugin will, by default, save a backup copy of all the images you upload, more than doubling the disk space used by the plugin. This option will now default to “off” for new sites enabling the plugin. Those desiring it can still enable the option through the “Other Options” screen in the plugin settings.

@MiddInfoSec: Guard Your Privacy When Offline or Traveling

Information Security has a new Twitter feed and other new content on their website. Follow us at @MiddInfosec or visit our website at

Planning a spring break vacation or work-related travel? People are frequently more vulnerable when traveling because a break from their regular routine or encounters with unfamiliar situations often result in less cautious behavior. If this sounds like you, or someone you know, these five tips will help you protect yourself and guard your privacy.

  • Track that device! Install a device finder or manager on your mobile device in case it’s lost or stolen. Make sure it has remote wipe capabilities.
  • Avoid social media announcements about your travel plans. It’s tempting to share your upcoming vacation plans with family and friends, but consider how this might make you an easier target for local or online thieves. While traveling, avoid using social media to “check in” to airports and consider posting those beautiful photos after you return home. Find out how burglars are using your vacation posts to target you in this infographic.
  • Traveling soon? If you’re traveling with a laptop or mobile device, make sure it is secured with strong authentication and avoid traveling with (or if you must, encrypt) confidential information.
  • Limit the amount of personal and/or sensitive information stored on your devices. Locate, secure, (or better yet) remove PII (personally identifiable information) such as your SSN, credit card numbers, and/or bank account information, and do not travel with unencrypted confidential Middlebury information on your devices.
  • Physically protect yourself and your devices. Use a laptop lock, avoid unnecessarily displaying identification cards, shred sensitive paperwork before you recycle it, and watch out for “shoulder surfers” at ATM’s or while using your devices in public places.

These are just some of the many things that you can do to travel more safely! For more information about information security, visit our website at

Much of this content comes from the Awareness and Training Working Group of the EDUCAUSE Higher Education Information Security Council (HEISC) and is then tailored for the Middlebury community.

Weekly Web Updates – February 1, 2016

New Features

When sharing News stories from the Middlebury site on Facebook, the top right image will always be the default image for the post. You can change this to a different image by editing the “og:image” field in the Meta Tags section. See our documentation on meta tags. Choosing these defaults for other content types is something we’ll be working on in the future and your suggestions are welcome.

The Enable Media Replace plugin is now available for WordPress. With this, you can replace an old file with a newer version of the file. This is particularly useful if you have a PDF or Word document that you need to replace with an updated copy. The replacement is done in a way that preserves all the existing links to the file.

We have added support for Emma email marketing signup forms in WordPress.


Canvas Adoption Proposal

Below is the official proposal for the adoption of Canvas, crafted and submitted by the Curricular Technology Team. Many faculty, students and staff contributed to the pilot that informed the proposal, we sincerely appreciate everyone’s efforts. There are a couple of notes about the proposal: The proposal assumes that the Canvas budget request will still…

[Continue reading]

Shakespeare’s First Folio at Middlebury – Keynote Wednesday and more events to come!

This February, one of the most important books in the history of English literature is coming to Middlebury. This year marks the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, and to honor the centuries of the bard’s influence, the Folger Shakespeare Library is sponsoring a national tour of their collection of First Folios.

FSL logo

Considered one of the most influential books in the world, the First Folio includes 36 Shakespeare plays, 18 of which had never been printed before the First Folio in 1623. Without the First Folio, all of those plays – including Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night, The Tempest, As You Like It, and more – might have been lost forever.

From February 2-28, Middlebury College will serve as the Vermont site of the national tour, displaying the First Folio at the Middlebury Museum of Art.


To kick off this month of celebration, James Shapiro, Columbia University professor and renowned Shakespeare scholar, will give a lecture on Shakespeare’s role in American history on Wednesday February 3rd at 7:00pm in the Concert Hall.

Visit go/shakespeare for more information about events throughout the month of February, including a First Folio Festival on Thursday February 18th at 4:30pm in the Center for the Arts Lobby.