Author Archives: actteam

ACTT In-Progress Project Presentation for GoogleApps for Edu and OneDrive

[This meeting was rescheduled from May 17th to May 31st.]

Tuesday, May 31st from 3-4pm
LIB 105A or Polycom 712833

The new ACT Team process includes in-progress project presentations. These presentations are meant to inform the community about how things are going, what has been done and what still needs to be done, what is going well and what are the challenges.


In this meeting we will look at the GoogleApps for Edu and OneDrive projects.

In-progress project presentations are open meetings, anyone may attend. Please feel free to share the invitation with anyone you feel is interested in the topics discussed.

ACTT Extended Team Meeting Agenda for May 24, 2016

Extended Team meetings are closed meetings that allow the members to focus on discussions and work that needs to be done. You are receiving an invitation because you are either on the Extended Team or Project Team.
