Podcasting in Education

Please join us as we engage in a discussion and workshop on audio and podcasting for education with radio producer and filmmaker, Erin Davis, in January. Participants will walk away from this two day workshop with a clear map for podcast production from concept to distribution.  We will begin by addressing the fundamental question, “What is a podcast?” and swiftly continue to cover:

  • Format, style and themes of a variety of leading podcasts
  • Equipment needs & recording techniques
  • Software & editing basics
  • Distribution and sharing

The discussion and workshop will occur on Monday, January 20th and Wednesday, January 22nd, from 1pm-4:30pm. There will also be time to work with technologists on project work on Tuesday, January 21st, from 1-4:30pm.


Erin Davis is a radio producer and filmmaker living in Vermont.  Her audio work has aired on All Things Considered, Studio 360 and elsewhere. She studied documentary at The New SchoolThe Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, in the studio with visionary cinematographer Albert Maysles and in the field on projects like the Oscar nominated film The Last Truck: Closing of a GM Plant and award winning Remote Area Medical.

If you would like to attend please sign up using this link – https://docs.google.com/a/middlebury.edu/forms/d/1N6wHPSN0XWGgM5zJ0vg0ko7pJq4C4Xc7UDhj9_fjmnQ/viewform

One thought on “Podcasting in Education

  1. Brenda Ellis

    Sounds like a great opportunity. Perhaps we should market this to faculty as a way to extend Thanksgiving Break to a week, as is being discussed. Offer a podcast instead of a class that week!

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