Searching Options and Updates from Library Systems

Submitted by Mike Lynch

Thanks to Ian McBride for making it possible for us to add a Search Midcat box to the top of web pages on the LIS website. We will also be able to add a Search LIS box, but we are still working with Ian to determine exactly what that will search. Jeff Rehbach added the Search Midcat box to We are also testing a Search Metafind box.

Mike Lynch & Barbara Merz gave a training session to Andy Wentink, Danielle Rougeau, and Kristina Simmons on constructing custom queries in ContentDM. This should allow them to build a web page reflecting their archival organization scheme with search links to ContentDM.

We are experimenting with LibraryFind, an open source application which allows search across multiple sources. Although it’s not ready for public consumption just yet, we are making it available for testing by LIS staff at If you click on Advanced Search ( you’ll see three choices: Digital & Print Undergraduate Theses, Images & Multimedia, and Middlebury College Abernethy Collections. The first choice searches all of the NITLE Dspace thesis collections, as well as the Special Collections thesis database on Concerto. The second searches 12 different collections, some in ContentDM and some in Concerto. The third searches the Abernethy Collections on ContentDM

One thought on “Searching Options and Updates from Library Systems

  1. Ian McBride

    UPDATE: There is now a Search LIS search box on the main LIS site. This searches a collection in our Google Search Appliance which indexes the whole LIS site, LIS sites in Segue, the Subject Guides in SubPlus, and the LIS Wikis.

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