Use Dropbox? Consider middfiles instead

We advise our community to use Middfiles for all file storage needs. In fact, sensitive information should always be stored on Middfiles.

Dropbox, one of the most popular cloud storage providers, has had several security flaws and breaches over the past year:
– In June, for four hours, anyone could access anyone else’s Dropbox files.
Three other separate security flaws (or holes) were found this summer.
– Furthermore, FTC found that Dropbox was misrepresenting their security measures and protocols.
– In addition, Dropbox had changed then clarified its Terms of Service within a matter of days.

That’s why we promote Middfiles for “cloud” storage needs. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions around Dropbox, cloud storage or security. If you have questions specific to Middfiles, please visit our documentation page.

6 thoughts on “Use Dropbox? Consider middfiles instead

  1. Ethan Murphy

    Dropbox is part of my toolset here at Middlebury, but I would rather use Middfiles. Is there a way to “copy a public link” and share that link in Middfiles like there is with Dropbox? I keep a repository of files and custom applications on dropbox that my students need to compress video files. I link my wiki pages to the public links that dropbox provides so they can download them as needed or sometimes I will just include it in an email if someone is looking for something specific on or off campus. I’m sure there is a way to do this with middfiles that isn’t tied to a specific class, but can you outline the steps? Middfiles has always been the best storage option, but I haven’t found a comparable easy way to access the stored files. Forgive me if there is already documentation on this that I have missed.

  2. Bill Mayers

    I, too, would much rather use Middfiles than Dropbox. However, I need to be able to share files with staff abroad, and Dropbox makes this easy. I haven’t found out simple way of doing this with Middfiles. If you have a solution that I’m not aware of, I’d be happy to hear about it.


    1. Petar Mitrevski Post author


      There isn’t a simple way to share files with people without Middlebury accounts.
      We can help share files over the web with people that do have Middlebury accounts via but it’s a longer process (see my post below). Dropbox certainly makes the process easier, but the operational flaws we’ve seen make us uncomfortable.

      Check my post below for some more detail and thanks for the feedback.


  3. Petar Mitrevski Post author

    Through Middfiles, it’s possible to share files with folks that have Middlebury accounts. LIS can setup a folder and the person in charge of that folder (which can be you) can give access to the folder to specific people. However, at this time, Middfiles doesn’t have a way to produce a link to the files, and neither can it share the files with the public (a login is required at

    Establishing a method for sharing files with the public (that is, people without a Middlebury account) has been something we’ve pondered but there hasn’t been time to address this. We’ll be sure to update the blog when we have a solutions.

    Thanks for the feedback!

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