Discussed Sassafras Keyserver timeline. This project could provide considerable savings, but there are some concerns about security for mobile users. It may be possible to have implementation and communications completed in time for the spring semester
Liaison program discussed by the Faculty LIS Advisory Committee (FLAC). The proposal would shift the existing model from a two-liaison per dept model to a single liaision per dept model. Judy to work with RDS and CTLR on next steps towards implementation.
Institutional Research/Datamart – it would be great to have a DBA dedicated to this project. Jeff has agreed to assist in exploring this, but no firm commitment of LIS resources can be given to this project until we better understand the scope and effort required.
6-month password expirations – Only 1 month away. Campus communications should ask that users make their password changes early. A notice should be supplied to Middpoints and listed on posters throughout the library
All LIS Staff Meeting – The agenda was reviewed for the All LIS Staff meeting to be held on Friday, October 24th
Zipcars – should we use them? Doreen will talk with Tom Corbin for an overview of the program. Does it benefit LIS? Are costs lower than other college vehicle rentals
Travel – the travel budget has been reduced by 20% for the year. ADs will review within individual areas and approve travel for the year, possibly resulting in further savings.
Preparing for budget cuts – Compile all ideas for cuts. Evaluate:
o what we spend now
o what can be cut
o actual costs
o primary group(s) affected
o long term consequences of this change
Print management – time to officially launch. Schedule a kick off meeting for the 1st week of November to devise a detailed plan with timeline of going live by January. Mike will create a draft plan. Who should attend meeting? J. Beauchemin, J. Lahaie, T. Cutter, M. Backus, C. Peddie, J. Rehbach, A. Dobucki, B. Foley, N. Burt, P. Mitrevski, M. Roy and E. Waagen.