New Library Water Fountain Helps the Environment and Those with Disabilities

Facilities installed a new ADA-compliant water fountain in the Davis Family Library that is designed to fill water bottles too.  The Library Space Team successfully applied for an Environmental Council grant to cover the cost for one.  The fountain will calculate the number of disposable plastic bottles that are saved by using it.  Next time you are thinking of buying bottled water, think instead about using a refillable container (and thus avoid landfill waste or the energy and financial costs of recycling).  It will also be the only ADA-compliant fountain in the Library, so if someone in a wheelchair needs a water fountain, be sure to direct them to this one, which is just opposite the print copy room on the main level.


One thought on “New Library Water Fountain Helps the Environment and Those with Disabilities

  1. Carrie Macfarlane

    I love this! It’s a great feature for library users, and wonderful for the library budget that it was acquired through a grant!

    For a long time, I’ve regretted that my very tall water bottle is very hard to fill here. So easy now! :) Thank you!

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