Email Phishing Alert

To our campus community,

We need to make you aware of an on-going phishing email attack on campus.  If you see a message like the one shown below, delete it and don’t respond.   It you have already responded to this email and given information, contact the Helpdesk at 802-443-2200 and check out the link below explaining what to do next.

These phishing emails can appear legitimate, though they take you to a non-legitimate site or email address.  Remember that the Helpdesk will never ask for your username/password.

Here is an example of the most recent email you may have received:

“To All
We currently upgraded our Server to 50GB inbox space. Please log-in to your user account to validate E-space.
Your emails won’t be delivered by our server, unless email account is confirmed.
protecting your email account is our primary concern,
for account update
should you have any questions please contact the IT Helpdesk.

Copyright (c)2016 ITS Help Desk”

Be Safe,

Lisa Terrier
Helpdesk Manager – Service Requests
Middlebury College
110 Storrs Ave – Davis Family Library
Middlebury, VT 05753