Dictionary of Natural Products – trial through August 18, 2015

By faculty request, we are evaluating CRC’s Dictionary of Natural Products on CRC’s CHEMNetBASE platform. This is a comprehensive database of 170,000 natural products effectively organized into a key information product. The wealth of data provided includes names and synonyms, formulae, chemical structures, CAS Registry Numbers, extensive source data, uses and applications, physical state, melting point, boiling point, pKa, and key literature citations. In addition a comprehensive type of compound classification scheme brings together compounds that are biogenetically related. All this information is readily searchable by text or by substructure, using flexible and intuitive software.

Let us know what you think – email feedback to eaccess-admin@middlebury.edu or your liaison.

Is there a journal, database, or other resource you think the library should subscribe to? Let us know at go/requests.

One thought on “Dictionary of Natural Products – trial through August 18, 2015

  1. Lesley-Ann Giddings

    I enjoyed using this program. I would love to incorporate it for some of my Chem 425 assignments.

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