Smith, Kevin, and J.D. “Setting the Record Straight about Elsevier | Scholarly Communications @ Duke.” Accessed January 28, 2014: Highly recommended article explaining some of the nuances of academic authors, license agreements, post-prints, and copyrights. Well worth reading.
10 ways enterprise IT Is changing – From the rising influence of marketing to the impact of mobile to the realities of offshoring, 2014 is going to have its share of trends and disruptions that affect IT.
Goodbye net neutrality… Now what? – What will an Internet without net neutrality look like? As the opinions fly, Michael P. Kassner considers what makes sense and what doesn’t.
The World’s First 3-D Printed Book Cover: A limited edition of Korean American novelist Chang-Rae Lee’s new dystopic book, On Such a Full Sea is making a splash with a 3-D cover produced by MakerBot.
Blackboard Software Will Incorporate Virtual College Bookstore – The learning-management behemoth Blackboard is getting into the virtual-campus-bookstore business.