The Middlebury College community now has trial access to Torrossa, an online resource with full-text in Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
Browse arts, literature, and lots more.
From “El vidrio en la pintura del Museo Nacional del Prado” by José María Fernández Navarro y Francisco Capel del Águila
(Note that when you’re looking at an e-book (“monograph”), only a “sample page” displays . To see the full text, choose the full-text icon.
When viewing a journal (“issue”), select an article from the right-hand menu, then the full-text icon.)
Update July 17: Not all of the 160 publishers that provide content for Torrossa allow their works to be printed or downloaded. If you have trouble printing, it may be that it simply isn’t allowed. Disallowed functions are shown by minus-signs by the icon(s), as shown here:
Hovering over the icon will show “Download not allowed” for example.
The trial will expire August 16th. Please let us know what you think – email
Perfecto! Can patrons access from off-campus as well?
Hi Stacy – yes, when someone who is off-campus clicks the links in this blog post, they will be directed to log in with their Middlebury credentials and then they can view this (and any of our subscribed resources) as if they were on campus. Thank you for asking!
Arabella has noted that per agreements with the publishers, printing has been disabled during the trial.
Will this be indexed by Summon?
I found it clunky – when I click on full-text, I get a blank (black) box instead of text and it says this PDF might not be displayed correctly – open with another browser (I’m using FF). The icons show no printing/downloading allowed, but if I click on the download button in the box I can download the whole pdf. Ditto if I click on view in another browser. This was true for all that I tried. Maybe this is a function of it being a trial? I do like that I get keyword in context option with a keyword search. I’d be interested in knowing what students and faculty think of it.