Manager’s Meeting Notes, August 9, 2012

(Apologies for late post) All managers shared their plans for the startup of the fall semester.

Peggy Fischel: New public color printer (Kyocera) will be installed on lower level of Davis Family Library after LS ends. Will update printing documentation in LIS wiki and post the news to the LIS Blog.

Joe Durante: Will be hiring more students for HelpDesk. This should allow other HelpDesk staff to spend more time on keeping online documentation updated. Joe asks us all, as usual, to share with him any feedback regarding HelpDesk students.

Joseph Watson: We are officially out of office space in the Davis Family Library.

Lisa Terrier:

  • Within HelpDesk, staff in Labs and Service Requests have now merged.This should allow staff to focus more on defined areas of specialization, build in more overlap for support, and create a more comfortable work environment.
  • Sometime after LS, LIB105 will be shut down for upgrades.
  • New Macs will get the new Mac OS. New Mac labs will get the new OS too. Older Macs and older Mac labs will have the older Mac OS. it’s likely that there will be software conflicts. HelpDesk is working on it.

Petar Mitrevski: 4 new smart classrooms this summer, a few more before the fall semester.

Dan Frostman: New digital film/fiche readers coming (2 to Davis, 1 to Armstrong). Should be able to scan, print to networked printers. HEAT Replacement Team: Two top contenders, one of which was bought out and no longer offers a hosted solution. Hm.

Dave Ludwig: Last year, Admissions went paperless. All application information (student grades, papers, essays, etc.)  is now in a system called Nolij. All faculty and staff who used to consult the paper application packets will receive Nolij training in the coming weeks. That includes Commons staff and FYSE faculty. Fortunately, people say that Nolij is “very easy to use.”

Chris Tangora: Many Segue sites migrated, many more to go. Segue will be decommissioned on Aug 31 as planned. A separate meeting will convene to discuss communication and tech shutdown steps.

Carrie Macfarlane:

  • We have a new Science Data Librarian, Wendy Shook, and she’ll be contacting managers and staff in LIS to learn about her job as a librarian and liaison.
  • We’re preparing for new faculty orientation and workshops for new students. Please keep us informed of changes to services so that we can be sure to share the latest advice.
  • Coordination within LIS for new student welcome packets and events is getting better every year! Coordination with external groups seems to be improving, too.
  • Remember that you can refer questions about library/research to us even when we’re not “on duty.”

Jim Stuart:

  • Getting classes folders ready for fall semester.
  • Installing networked printer at 118 Storrs Ave (Center for Social Entrepreneurship).
  • Complete network outages planned for Sunday August 19 to allow for work that will improve network redundancy & eliminate single points of failure.

Joe Antonioli:

  • The Portal will be the default homepage on public computers
  • Segue will be decommissioned on August 31st
  • Course Hub now has links to course folders –