Please Test the New Portal

Over the summer, Communications and Web Application Development have been working together to bring Middlebury a service that will bring news, events and other information into one location. It began as a mobile project, a way to address the cumbersome browsing of our main site in smartphone browsers, and grew into a way that faculty, students and staff could find a wide breadth of information no matter what device they are using.

This is Middlebury’s first big push into portal and mobile technology, so we are asking anyone and everyone to browse these sites from all of their devices and use the FEEDBACK link to share their experience. We would like this to be the place where the Middlebury Community goes to find information about what is happening on campus, so all thoughts are welcome.

The Portal – Desktop and Laptop version

Choose your favorite browser and point it to or go/portal.

Browse the page to see snippets of information, or click on the blue icons to find full articles, stories, events, dining menus, etc. The CUSTOMIZE icon will give you a preview of things to come, allowing you to add and remove features.


The Portal – on a Smartphone

Open your phone’s browser and point it to or go/m or go/mobile.Click on the icons to see streams of information optimized for mobile devices. Use the same CUSTOMIZE button to make changes

on the home screen. Again, please click on the FEEDBACK icon to share your experience. Thank you for taking the time to try this new service out!