WordPress for Course Sites

(Cross-posting from WordPress @ Middlebury):

WordPress and Moodle are the primary alternatives to Segue for course sites at Middlebury.  A number of workshops have been scheduled on how to use WordPress for course sites and how it is integrated with the Course Hub.

  • 11:00 am -12:00 pm, Wednesday, August 31, Library 105
  • 11:00 am -12:00 pm, Thursday, Sept 1, Library 105
  • 4:00-5:00 pm, Tuesday, Sept 6, Library 105
  • 3:00-4:00 pm, Wednesday, Sept 7, Library 105

To attend one of these sessions, please fill out our sign up form, see:
WordPress / Course Hub Workshop Sign Up

These sessions have been scheduled before or after similar sessions on Moodle, Middlebury’s new learning management system (LMS).  To learn more about how these platform compare, see: Curricular Technologies Platform Overview. If you’d like to attend one of the Moodle sessions, there is still time to sign up: Click to sign up for a Moodle Workshop.