Am I Obsolete?

While I was doing research for customer service for our student workers, I came across this great article.  The article’s author, Mark P. Bernstein, states that “Service (customer service) is what will allow libraries to not only survive, but thrive.”   This is something that I always thought was important.   I feel that having a good professional and human relationship with our patrons (customers) promotes  this “thriving”.  If you think about it…we at Middlebury College LIS have build these relationships, some of them for 25 years or more.   I believe one of LIS strengths is customer service and there is always room to improve or build those already established bonds.

2 thoughts on “Am I Obsolete?

  1. Terry Simpkins

    Thanks for posting this Shawn. Interesting article and useful reminders. I do think it’s important to be able to say, “That’s a good question. I don’t know the answer, but I’ll find out.” LIS is a complicated organization that engages in a large number and variety of operations. There’s no shame in admitting when I don’t know something.

    We all hate being treated shabbily, so let’s make sure we treat the people who come to us for help or information the right way. This article is a good reminder of the basics, and I enjoyed reading about the Ritz Carlton customer service ethos.

  2. Kenneth Burchfiel

    You guys and the library itself will never be obsolete. This place is so much more than the books; it’s the best study spot on campus, where hundreds of carrels make getting to work that much easier. It also has beautiful views, provides a great meeting point and seems to have just about every book I look up.
    It’s just a wonderful environment for learning. I just feel more studious when I get here. And given the outside appearance, I’m kind of expecting it to rocket off the ground and travel to Mars.
    Thanks for all that you do!

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