A Circ Change

A colleague shared this picture with me the other day – and though I am not inclined to post pictures of myself on the web, it seemed like the perfect image to inform you about an upcoming change in Circulation Services.
My last day at Midd will be June 30. I am moving to southern Vermont, and I am looking forward to a new adventure traveling and working in the company of stone.
It has been a joy and a privilege to have worked with the talented community of students, staff and faculty at Midd and I have been given the gift of friendships from across campus and the world, and the opportunity to learn something new every day. Thank you. I will treasure my time at Midd, and I will miss you all.
On July 1st, Dan Frostman will assume the position of Circulation Services Manager. Please be in touch with him about any circulation and borrowing questions or concerns – you will be in very good hands.

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