Here’s a rough list of ideas that we developed at a recent meeting to figure out how we can systematically make sure that all of our new LIS staff members are provided with opportunities to learn about LIS and the College.
- Revive the new employee handbook–> Carol thinks she might have a copy of this somewhere.
- Find a moment for each new staff member to review the recently launched strategic planning website
- Invite new staff members to already regularly scheduled staff meetings for the various work areas in order to provide them some insight into what the various work areas do –> we would need a good list of such meetings and when they occur to make this happen
- create a somewhat informal mentoring program that gives new LISers a person to turn to for questions –>we need to identify someone to make this happen
- make sure that all new staff member get to meet everyone in their area on their first day of work, and everyone in LIS within the first month of work (see also increased social activities)
- have a monthly or bi-monthly lunch/coffee to introduce new people and provide a chance for new people to ask questions/learn
- find out more about what happens at the HR orientation to avoid duplication
- share the HR checklist for supervisors of new employees and develop our own checklist (based on this) that supplements that checklist
- consider developing an internal to LIS facebook-like thingy that would allow everyone in LIS to share information about themselves with new staff members (their job duties, their work histories, their photos, and if willing, their personal interests/hobbies)
- increase the number of all-LIS social activities in order to encourage interaction across work groups
- encourage work groups to host open houses for their areas to educate others about what they do
- use all-LIS staff meetings to repeatedly introduce new folks, and vice versa, think of creative ways to allow new folks to meet the rest of us
- provide new hires with a list of 10 people that they really should meet in their first 100 days of employ
Please feel free to make further suggestions using the comments below. It isn’t clear that there will be time or energy or interest to do all of these things. For now we just want to continue to brainstorm ideas.
If Carol can find her copy, it might be nice to put the new employee handbook in the wiki–we’d all have access to it, and we could all help keep it up-to-date.
Well the notes didn’t entirely reflect the truth on this one! I volunteered to see if there was any copy in existence and so far have not yet found anything. The original was quite old, so most likely we will end up creating something new!