Hyperion System 9.3 Bugs

Email Invalid Characters

  • During the scheduling of jobs and configuration of parameters, spaces are no longer supported as escaped characters.  This is a known bug.

This was noticed when adding users to received emailed output.   Previously, a space was accepted between email usernames (user@middlebury.edu; user2@middlebury.edu).  However, if you attempt to save the parameters with the space, Hyperion will erase the names you entered.   This is only an issue when editing existing parameters or creating new ones.  There should be no impact on existing jobs so long as you do not need to make changes to them.   Until there is a patch for it, do not use spaces between email addresses or other parameters.

Cycle Name Invalid Characters

  • Special characters (&%$@# etc) are no longer supported for cycle names.  Oracle is researching if this is a bug.

Existing cycles with special characters will continue to work.  However, if you need to make a change to the cycle or create a new cycle you will have to remove the special characters in order to save.