Curricular Tech Team Meeting Minutes 2009-11-24

Team Self-assessment

The Curricular Technology team, like all the newly formed teams will do a “self-assessment.” Sheila Andrus from Human Resources will facilitate this self-assessment which has been tentatively scheduled for Dec 8th from 2:30-4 pm

Team Goals and Objectives

The team agreed to reserve our next meeting (Dec. 1st) to discuss goals and objectives for the next 12-18 months. Alex agreed to send team members our original charge. It was recommended we all review the 4 LIS strategic directions, as well as slides from Sheila Andrus.

Curricular Technology Web Site

The team continued its work on the new Curricular Technology website. It was suggested we contact Linda Knutson about helping with the “wikification” of the existing helpdesk documentation.

Team members volunteered to begin adding content to the new site as follows:

* Buzzwords: Sue
* Research: Bryan
* Graphics: Mack
* Course Management: Alex
* Web Publishing: Joe
* Video: Mac
* Discussion and Communications: Joe
* Visualization: Bryan, Mac
* Audio: Alex
* Presentation: Bryan

Segue v1 Shutdown Discussion

The Area Director’s team responded to our first draft of recommendations for when and how to finally shut-down Segue v1, suggesting a later date then we had proposed to ensure that all Segue v1 site owners are properly informed and are able to migrate their sites to v2. The team agreed to let Alex and Shel continue work on this project.