In attendance: team members minus Sue Driscoll. (Joy Pile, minutes)
Mack and Alex are working at the helpdesk. Alex tangentially wondered if and how the CTT should be more involved in the helpdesk. It was noted that the team has a number of issues on its plate – not the least of which was the original charge to find a replacement for Segue. If the team is to be involved in other projects – then we need direction and new goal setting from the ADs. It was agreed however, the CTT could have a hand in training staff at the helpdesk once a replacement application is chosen. It was suggested that the team could also have a hand in application development – particularly for MiddMedia and could help determine which features and applications are most appropriate for curricular use.
For the rest of the meeting CTT discussed its new website. There was some disagreement about the current navigation – but it was agreed to seek feedback from a few potential users before changing the navigation from the current mock up.
Discussed the philosophy behind Quick Starts, and came up with the following rubric:
- That we need to post some information that relates to the different labs on campus
- That there needs to be information about some of the free for download applications such as Audacity that are included among the tools
- Discussed what essentials might be included in a Quick Start Guide as it related to Audacity.