Quantitative Analysis Lab in LIB 105

From Jeanne Albert, Director of Quantitative Skills Support, Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research:

The Quantitative Analysis Lab (QAL) in LIB 105 is up and running! On Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings peer tutors are available to help students with the statistics packages Stata, SPSS, and Minitab (see the schedule, below.) In addition, other quantitative software packages are available on the computers in LIB 105, including Data Desk, R, Maple, Mathematica, MatLab, Excel, and Geometer’s Sketchpad. The lab will be a great resource for students who are working in the main library, and can potentially bring together people working on a variety of subjects, topics, and projects.

Quantitative Analysis Lab Schedule


  • Minitab tutor: 7 – 10 pm
  • Stata tutor: 8:30 – 10 pm


  • Stata tutor: 8:30 – 10 pm
  • SPSS tutor:  8:30-10 pm


  • Stata tutor: 8:30 – 10 pm

Note:  During QAL tutoring hours, students working with tutors will be given preference, but other students may use the lab if space is available.

One thought on “Quantitative Analysis Lab in LIB 105

  1. Brenda Ellis

    Thanks for posting this Jeanne! maybe you can link to this post from the CTLR website so its easy for others to find. –Brenda

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