Gathering Feeedback – Surveys etc.

Thanks for a great brainstorming session yesterday, and for submitting survey questions ahead of the meeting. Thanks to Ian for pulling the survey together and for moderating the discussion.
A couple of thoughts:
I saw your comment, Carrie – and I would also be interested in surveying student employees. Can we include them in the LIS staff survey or do we need different questions? They would have much to offer us.

I also think that summer student employees would be a good focus group – what do others think?

In addition to surveys and focus groups (if we do them), are there other existing analytics or stats that could inform our work?

4 thoughts on “Gathering Feeedback – Surveys etc.

  1. Doreen Bernier

    Just took the survey and it took about 5 minutes to complete, which I think is an adequate time frame. My only thought is that on the question regarding rating the features, you are not allowed to use the number rating more than once. Do we want to change that limitation so people can use the numbering system more than once.

  2. Elizabeth Whitaker-Freitas

    I took it as well. About 5 minutes.

    I found #5 very confusing. It was hard to keep track of which level I had already used or not used.

    On #6 shouldn’t “works” be a radio button?

  3. Barbara

    I also took the survey but it took me about 15 minutes – probably because I was unfamiliar with it! If I’m a LIS person taking it, I’ll be likely say – “I wrote this part e.g. subject guide, so I don’t use it particularly. ” If you’re unfamiliar with the corners of the site, you’ll spend a lot of time wondering if something is available and/or works.

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