Going away? LIS wants to know!

Submitted by Judy Watts

I’m headed to Scotland tomorrow, and while people don’t need to know the details of where I’ll be, it may be useful for them to know that I will be away. Here’s what I did to enter that information in a place that everyone can see. In Outlook, open

Public Folders – All Public Folders – LIS – LIS Calendar

Enter your time away and save the entry. If you want to put it on your personal calendar, open it again, pull down the “Actions” menu and click on “Copy to personal calendar:. (Or, while you are creating the item, click on “Invite attendees” and invite yourself. Accept the invitation when you are back in your Outlook mail and it will be on your personal calendar.)

If you don’t use Outlook, you can ask someone who does, including the Information Desk, to make the entry for you. 

Thanks for doing this. It helps us all.

One thought on “Going away? LIS wants to know!

  1. Hans Raum

    When I tried to enter my vacation days for June and July I received an error message:
    “You don’t have permission to create an entry in this folder. Right-click the folder, and then click Properties to check your permissions for the folder. See the folder owner or your administrator to change your permissions.”

    Is anyone else having this problem?

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