In each issue of this newsletter, we profile one of the many student assistants who help make the Middlebury Libraries run smoothly. This issue of our newsletter features one of our Digital Media Tutors, senior Sofy Maia.
Where are you from originally?
I’m from São Paulo, Brazil.
What brought you to Middlebury?
I’ve always really loved writing and languages and in high school I thought I would be an English major. So, I researched schools with great English programs and Middlebury was among them! I’d never heard of it before, but my two favorite English teachers in school were actually from Vermont – so I figured it was a good place for an English-lover to be. Also, later that year a Middlebury representative actually came to my school for a college fair and convinced me to apply via early decision.
What is your major?
I’m majoring in Film & Media Culture with a Computer Science minor.
What do you enjoy most about your FMMC studies?
I love that I get to talk academically about things like television, fan culture, and pop culture. It’s a really fun major. I also love that I constantly get to learn new, useful skills like using a camera, scriptwriting, and 3D animation. They’re all things I never knew I liked before coming to Middlebury (except maybe scriptwriting), and now they’re some of my favorite things.
Do you have a job on campus? What do you enjoy about it?
I have a few jobs on campus. I’ve worked at the Mail Center here since freshman year, though unfortunately I had to drop it this last semester as I got too busy. I loved getting my packages before anyone else (not having to stand in line!) and it was also a really friendly, cozy work atmosphere.
I’ve also worked as a Digital Media Tutor since my sophomore year. I love that I am always learning new software and tech skills that aren’t really taught in any class here. I also get to be the person people come to when they need help on media-related projects – it’s so satisfying to be able to help people out and solve problems.
I’ve also worked for the Film & Media Culture Department since sophomore year, doing different things. I was an office assistant for a while, then a TA for the video editing classes, the 3D Animation class and a research assistant on independent projects in the animation studio. I’ve gotten to really focus on what I’m interested in with this job, and most of all I love the projects I’ve helped with and been involved in. It also goes very well with my DMT job; I get to kind of trade/overlap skills in-between the two.
What do you do for fun? Any hobbies?
I love creative writing, so I do that a fair bit. I also obviously love film a whole lot, and I like working on animation projects or 3D models or little claymations. I also definitely spend a lot of my time watching TV and movies.
Where is your favorite place to visit when you aren’t at Middlebury?
I don’t know if it really counts, but of course I love going home – I only get to go once or twice a year, so it’s really special and I look forward to it all the time.
I’ve also gone to Mt. Desert Island in Maine for the past two summers, and I love it there too. I’m looking forward to going back this year.
How about on campus? Do you have a favorite place here?
It’s been said before, but the Abernethy Room in Axinn makes me feel like I’m in Hogwarts.
Do you have a favorite place off-campus within Vermont?
In Middlebury, I love Middlebury Chocolates. It is the nicest place – you can see the waterfall right out the window and it’s lovely and cozy and of course they make the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had.
I haven’t been to a whole lot of Vermont, unfortunately, but in Burlington I also really like the Penny Cluse Café. It’s delicious food and a really nice atmosphere (when it’s not super crowded).
(Yes, all my favorite places are food related.)
What do you hope to do after Middlebury?
I want to continue to work in digital media, hopefully in animation. I would love to work for a small production company where I could be part of both the creative side of things and involved in actual marketing/strategy.
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself in closing?
I’ve loved working in the library for the past 3 years and I’m sad that has to end soon. A lot of the time this building can seem stressful or scary because it’s so associated with studying/rushing to get stuff done, but working here has really helped me see it as more relaxing and inviting – especially the new and improved Media Lab. It’s a really wonderful place to work.
Also, check out my work at, maybe?