JAPN0301A (Lecture)   Tue. & Thu. 9:30-10:45 FIC FR1
JAPN0301Z (Drill)         Mon. & Wed. 9:05-9:55 FIC FR1

Instructor: Sayaka Abe 安部(あべ)さやか
E-mail: sabe@middlebury.edu
Office: FIC LF01-E ext. 5486
Office Hours: T 2-3 & W 10-noon, and by appt.

Welcome to Japanese 301! In this class, we will be actively using new and previously learned expressions through discussions on various Japan-related issues. Selected topics include: religion, pop culture, performing arts and education. We will be solidifying communicative skills in speaking, listening, writing and reading, as well as sociocultural knowledge associated with language use, both in personal and academic settings. This semester, we will focus on expressing opinions through solid argumentation, and strengthening the accuracy and appropriateness of spoken and written styles.

Goals and expectations for Third-Year Japanese
As we are transitioning into advanced-level Japanese, this course focuses on the skills required to process longer texts and conversations that use a broader range of vocabulary, kanji and grammatical structures than in previous levels. You will be learning not only to recognize these expressions, but also to produce them appropriately in various social situations (using honorifics, casual forms, etc.). Reading materials frequently include unfamiliar expressions, technical words or proper nouns. Accordingly, you will be developing strategic and studying skills, such as: to use context to infer or anticipate messages; to grasp main points as well as critical details; to internalize new materials through personal contexts; and to present complex ideas with your audience in mind. We will also practice building well-structured arguments as part of Academic Japanese, an integral component for this course. You will be writing short paragraphs in class, two thesis-based essays (400-600 characters), and a speech script (about 800 characters) to be presented and discussed at the end of the semester. Other activities and assignments include: class discussions; frequent exercises and quizzes; preview and review sheets, lesson tests; two oral tests; and a final exam.

Course Materials
We will cover lessons 6-10 of Tobira: Gateway to advanced Japanese learning through content and multimedia

FYI: Japanese courses and materials at Middlebury 
1st year:  Japanese 101 (fall) Genki I LL1-6; Japanese 102 (winter) Genki LL7-10 ; Japanese 103 (spring) Genki I&II LL11-16
2nd year: Japanese 201 (fall) Genki II LL17-23 ; Japanese 202 (spring) LL1-5
3rd year: Japanese 301 (fall) Tobira LL6-10; Japanese 302 (spring) Tobira LL11-15
4th year: Japanese 401 (fall); Japanese 402 (spring); Japanese 475 — materials vary