The End of IPE (Thur 3 Dec) Audio
Author Archives: James Morrison
Suicide of Foxconn (Apple subcontractor) Employee
Here’s the Reuters story to which I referred:
Lec 22: Responses to Globalization
Responses to Globalization (Tue 24 Nov) Audio
Krugman on the Public Debt
PK has a new editorial on our current government deficits:
I thought it was apropos of our recent discussions about indebtedness.
BusinessWeek on Cap and Trade
New article from BusinessWeek on some potential hitches to the implementation of “cap and trade.”
Lec 21: Globalization in Perspective
Globalization in Perspective (Thur 19 Nov) Audio
Recent News
Some recent news related to IPE:
Podcast is Up!
Lec 20: Our Financial Legacy
What Shall we Bequeath to our Progeny? Our Financial Legacy (Tues 17 Nov) Audio
Lec 19: Global Environmental Politics
Al Gore on the Daily Show
Al Gore was on The Daily Show last week. I’ve just put the clip in as “recommended” for tomorrow’s reading. You can check it out here:
Recommended: “Al Gore.” The Daily Show. Comedy Central, November 3, 2009. Available via:
Great Firewall of China & the WTO
Some folks at the European Centre for International Political Economy have written a paper suggesting that China’s use of its “Great Firewall”–which blocks pernicious web presences like, say, Google–may run contrary to some of the WTO agreements.
Here’s the Ars write up:
Seeing my two of my favorite things combined–tech & IPE–almost made my head explode from all of the glee.
Lec 18: Population Growth
Lec 17: Politics of Migration
Lec 16: Economics of Migration
Articles about Money
The following are several articles about money, which I think follow our ongoing discussion nicely:
Lec 15: After Bretton Woods
Lec 14: Bretton Woods
Lec 13: Decline and Fall of the Gold Standard
Lec 12: The Gold Standard
Lec 11: International Monetary System
Krugman’s Ideas on the Int’l Monetary System
We’re starting our consideration of money on Thursday. Krugman’s latest editorial explicitly links the “gold-standard mentality” to some of the current approaches to the contemporary crisis. I think you’ll enjoy it:
Lec 10: Trade Regime Today
Lec 9: Postwar Trade Regime
Lec 7: Models of Trade Policy
China & the WTO
In the spirit of the discussion about “exchange controls”, here’s a quick article about China’s restrictions on the sale of foreign goods in the domestic market. China is allowed to impose traditional “capital controls” according to the IMF and WTO agreements; but the WTO doesn’t like China trying to regulate trade & commerce. So, we see some separation here between capital controls and trade/commercial regulation.
My hunch–and it is just a hunch–is that China is finding it more difficult to rely strictly on conventional capital controls–restrictions on investment, foreign ownership, &c–and is turning to more rigorous restrictions on trade and commerce. By channeling imports through state owned enterprises, China can have a larger influence on the prices (and total sales) of these goods in the home market. That will influence the balance of payments and the over all domestic price level.
As we’ll see, the IMF was designed to allow for–even celebrate–capital controls. But the GATT/WTO was created to combat all such management of trade and commerce. Why the seemingly antithetical positions–one in favor of laissez-faire and the other decidedly not? Stay tuned: we’ll develop that more later in the term. But here’s the quick answer: Keynes recognized that states needed some regulation to ensure policy autonomy; and he figured that capital controls would be the most innocuous types of restrictions.
Lec 6: Balance of Payments
IPE in the News
The G-20,dwp_uuid=60a3db68-b177-11dd-b97a-0000779fd18c.html?nclick_check=1
Tobin Taxes (which we’ll cover later)
Net Neutrality
John Stewart on Ted Stevens on Net Neutrality—internet
Lec 5: The Three I’s
Lec 4: Structural Theories
Backup your data!
In several places on this site, I emphasize the importance of regularly backing up your data. Of course, the easiest way to do this might just be to buy an external drive. But if you’re short on cash, this article from Gizmodo details some of the ways to do this without the expense of buying an external drive for this purpose.
DQs are Up!
The Discussion Questions for next week have been posted. In the future, I’ll try to get them up by Friday evening of the previous week. Last week, I had some beginning of the term events and the usual preoccupations which prevented that.
Lec 2: Classic Perspectives
Site is Up!
This site should now be current. All of the readings, the course schedule, assignments, &c. have all been finalized. Please contact me if anything appears awry.
Welcome to Fall, 2009!
Lec 1: Introduction
Under Construction
Please note that this site is still under construction. Much of the material from Spring 2009 appears here. The final version (for Fall 2009) should appear in late August.