Author Archives: Peter DiPrinzio

Spotlight on Careers Survey!

Complete this short survey to win one of four $25.00 rewards!

In order to participate, you must review the Web site at, or have used the site in the past.

This survey is being distributed by Career Services in the Center for Education in Action at Middlebury as part of the Liberal Arts Career NetWORK (LACN).  The purpose is to assess the usability of Spotlight and gather feedback to improve the online, career exploration resource.

Have you used Spotlight in the past? Even if you haven’t, review the site and give us your feedback! The survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete!

Five Tips in 100 Seconds: Funding a Summer Internship

Learn from fellow Middlebury students and Career Counselor Tim Mosehauer five essential tips on how to fund a Summer Internship-all in under 100 seconds! Tips include how to apply for Career Services funding and tricks students discovered during the search process. Also check out Five Tips in 100 Seconds: Finding a Summer Internship, both filmed and edited by Peer Career Ambassador Peter DiPrinzio.

International Journalism: Theo May ’08

Theodore May ’08 (history), a freelance journalist who has spent the last three years reporting from and traveling in the Middle East. In 2010 he went on a 1500 mile trek in the Middle East following the footsteps of Alexander the Great, and blogged about it here Most recently, he reported for USA Today from Cairo, and spent about two weeks in Cairo’s Tahrir Square.


Let’s start at the beginning; why journalism?

I was a history major at Middlebury, and I’ve always been interested in storytelling, which is essentially what journalism is. I hoped to use my knowledge of history, specifically of the Middle East, to tell better stories and write better articles about the region. After my junior year I had the opportunity to intern for a semester with the Daily Star in Lebanon, which certainly helped cultivate my interest in the trade of journalism. After graduating I really just wanted to go there and be on the ground, and freelance journalism was the easiest way for me to pay the bills, small bills, anyway!

Then what? How does one become a freelance journalist?

Continue reading

Journalism Careers with Theo May ’08


Career Conversation with Theo May ’08: Come stop by anytime between 10 am and 12 pm on Wednesday March 2 at Career Services and talk about breaking into the world of journalism with him!

Theo spent the last three years reporting from and traveling in the Middle East. In 2010, he went on a 1500-mile trek in the Middle East following the footsteps of Alexander the Great, and he blogged about it at: Most recently, he reported for USA Today from Cairo, and spent about two weeks in Cairo’s Tahrir Square.

He will also be giving a lecture the night before, entitled “From Alexander the Great to Mubarak: Reporting on History and Politics in the Middle East.” It will be held in RAJ from 4:30 – 6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 1.

Living in NYC This Summer!

I know it, you know it, the whole world knows it: NYC is the Internships Capital of the World. So that means if you’re looking for housing there over the summer, you won’t be alone. However we at your friendly, neighborhood Career Services are here to help you not only find a place to work but also a place to live!

Navigating all the possible places to live can be quite difficult, so I’ve tried to lay it out in a simple way that lets you compare prices as well. These have all been vetted and actually exist and are great options to choose from. Vamos!

University Housing

NYU Summer Housing (Greenwich Village)

avg $320/wk +$105 for basic meal plan  (single)

Columbia University Summer Housing (Morningside Heights)

arg $335/wk (single)

New School University’s Summer Intern Housing Program (Greenwich Village/Financial District)


Polytechnic University Summer Housing (Brooklyn)

$315/$455/wk (single)

Student Housing

International House (Morningside Heights)

$200-$330/wk (single)

Educational Housing Services (8 locations in NYC)

Depends on location

NYC Intern (Midtown)

$310/wk (shared apartment)

University Place (Brooklyn)

$290/wk (single)

The 92nd St. Y (Upper East)

$325/wk (double) $400/wk (single)

The Webster (Women Only – Midtown)

$270/wk (single, including 2 meals/day)

Apartment Listings

Naked Apartments


Internships with the Flora and Fauna!

Are you botanically, ecologically or ornithologicaly inclined? Do you know what that last one means (p.s. it’s the study of birds)?

If you answered yes to any part(s) of the above questions, then you really need to check out these 4 Animal-and-Plant-related internships below. There is a short description with each internship, but for the full listing and to apply, you need to head over to MOJO.

1. Avian Field Asistant

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

We are looking for a highly motivated volunteer field assistant to help with a study on multimodal communication in the dark-eyed junco.Duties will include behavioral observation, nest searching, identification of color-banded birds, capturing and sampling birds using mist-nets and walk-in traps, song recording, video recording, and assisting with radiotelemetry.Potential for designing an independent research project not pertaining to the main project goals is negotiable. Housing and food provided.

Dates: June 1 – July 24, 2011

Deadline: Feb 28, 2011

2. Botanical Garden Assistant

Highlands Botanical Garden; Highlands, North Carolina

Botanical Garden Assistants maintain gardens, trails, boardwalks, and bridges throughout the Station, and helps to identify, label, and maintain native plant species. This position may include working with the public to interpret the natural history of local plants and assisting with identification of native plant species. Paid with housing provided.

Dates: TBD

Deadline: Mar 30, 2011

3. Odum Internship in Field Ecology

The Huyck Preserve; Rensselaerville, New York

Projects can be in the fields of ecology, conservation biology, environmental science and evolutionary biology. Students will also have the opportunity to work on projects with visiting scientists whose research is supported by the station. Examples of the projects conducted at the Huyck Preserve recently include studies examining:

  • Slave-making ants
  • Forest disturbance and soils
  • Aquatic macrophytes
  • Streamside invasive earthworms
  • Invasive vines
  • Forest succession

Housing and equipment is provided.

Dates: 8 weeks from June 13 thru August 5, 2011

Deadline: Mar 07, 2011

4. Seasonal Field Technician

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON); Boulder, Colorado

Under the direction of the Field Operations Manager-Domain 10, Seasonal Field Technicians will assist with field observation, sample collection and handling, sample processing and sample shipment of a variety of taxa including:
• Small Mammals
• Birds
• Beetles
• Mosquitoes
• Plants
• Soil Microbes

Essential Duties & Responsibilities
• Assists with plot establishment; locates plots with GPS units, measures and marks plots, places and sets traps
• Performs and assists with sample collection; records data, checks and resets traps, handles samples in field according to NEON protocols
• Performs and assists with sample processing and preparation; records data, sorts samples, utilizes laboratory equipment such as soil sieves, Wiley Mill, drying ovens, scales, ultra-low freezers

Dates: Starting in May 2011

Deadline: Mar 15, 2011

Info Session: “Meaningful Overseas Research, Civic Engagement, and Internships”

Charting a Course to Successfully Planning, Funding, and Implementing Out-of-Classroom Projects”

This workshop will address how to:

  • design effective projects
  • prepare for the practical aspects of overseas experiential learning and research
  • enhance cultural awareness
  • optimize effectiveness abroad and back home
    Wednesday, February 16, 4:30-6 p.m., Jones House conference room

For further information:  Charlotte Tate, Rohatyn Center for International Affairs,

Sponsored By: Center for Education in Action and Rohatyn Center for International Affairs.

Meaningful Overseas Research, Civic Engagement, and Internships“:

CLIMB: Paid Internships with Free Housing!

Colorado Leaders, Interns and Mentors in Business (CLIMB) is an intensive paid summer internship program for students of Yale, Harvard, Middlebury and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). The 30-50 students learn the business, professional, civic, and social offerings of the Denver area. CLIMB offers students the total internship “package”:

  • Challenging paid jobs
  • FREE group housing in downtown Denver
  • A weekly speaker series with local business and political leaders
  • Fun weekend events like whitewater rafting and hiking in the beautiful Rockies!
  • An alumni mentor for the summer

Local alumni volunteers of the universities and colleges collaborate to showcase the region’s opportunities, leaders, and beautiful locations to student participants, and attract talented graduates for permanent positions in the region.

There are currently over 20 CLIMB internships available in industries including:


Non-Profit Management

Fine Arts

Marketing/Public Relations

Cancer Reasearch

Outdoor Leadership

Computer Programming


Deadlines start as early as Feburary 15!!

To browse open jobs, go to MOJO and search with the keyword: CLIMB

What About Summer at Midd and Beyond?

Summer Employment at Middlebury College and Beyond…

Learn about internships and employment

on and off campus this summer

Wednesday, February 23

McCardell Bicentennial Hall 220


4:30 – 5:00: On Campus Employment Opportunities – Student Employment

5:00 – 5:30: Off Campus, Internship, & Volunteer Opportunities –Center for Education in Action

The International Student and Scholar Services will be available to answer questions and concerns related to Employment Authorization and OPT.

  • This informative session will provide an overview of what you need to do to prepare for a worthwhile summer opportunity.
  • If for some reason you cannot attend, please visit the appropriate office with your questions.

Sponsored by the Student Employment Office (SEO), Career Services, Alliance for Civic Engagement (ACE), and the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS).