Author Archives: JJ Janikis

Search beyond MOJO/ LACN is just another added resource for students to search internship positions on a national and international level. Middlebury students can access by referencing the Middlebury- Only Resources on the Career Services web page. Once I created my log-in information I was able to search internships by major, compensation, and desired region. In an initial search I found 166 postings for sociology internships in North America alone.

I then narrowed my search in a field in Art Therapy for postings in the United States and found 13 opportunities.

One that caught my attention was an Arts Learning Intern position with the Chicago Childrens Museum. provided the contact information for the organization, a brief description of the internship position,  and a link for further information on how to apply to this specific position. The information was broad, but encourages the student to take their own initiative in researching the organization and applying for the position.

While provides a vast national and international network of internship opportunities, I would still recommend MOJO and LACN as an immediate resource for Middlebury students. MOJO provides Midd-Friendly Internship and Job positions in which the employer already has a strong connection to the college. In addition, you can immediately apply to the internship on MOJO and do not need to research “how to apply” or other organization contact information.

Whether you prefer to use MOJO, LACN, or there are thousands of internship opportunities that are waiting for students at any moment of the year. Good luck!

CSO in The Campus


On Monday, the senior class participated in the first of many Career Services Office (CSO) events they will attend this year. In a presentation that Adam Rice ’10 described as “informative yet terrifying,” Senior Associate Director of CSO Don Kjelleren and Associate Director Susan Walker prepared the seniors for the difficult road ahead and laid out the critical steps necessary for securing employment after graduation.
The slideshow began with videos of last year’s seniors urging this year’s class to start the search as early as possible. Seeing that only a quarter of the Class of 2009 was employed as of graduation highlighted the importance of dedicating oneself to the important task. We wish the seniors luck and say, Get to work!


“I really appreciate the e-mails we recieve from CSO about internships and jobs, especially opportunities during the summer. So many of the e-mails advertize opportunities that I am truly interested in. Every year in April, I am usually puzzled about summer jobs and the e-mails help guide me.”

-Max Kanter ‘10.5

“They helped me get a job at a place that required school credit by teaching me about transcript notation.”

– Dickie Redmond ‘10.5

Internships in The Wall Street Journal

Middlebury opens the “door.”

Diana Middleton reinforces the up-and-coming importance of student internships. With the job market becoming increasingly competitive, colleges and universities are finding more opportunities to squeeze in internship opportunities for their students. The good news is Middlebury is already ahead of the game by offering Fall and Spring Externships in addition to a Winter Term Internship program for college credit. While students might be unable to secure a summer internship, participating in a month long Winter Term Internship is still a great way to get your “foot in the door”.

Read The Wall Street Journal article to find out more about how other colleges and universities are finding internship opportunities for their students:

No Foot in the Door :

One-year M.B.A. programs are fast, but they leave no time for internships. Schools are trying to fill in that gap.

by Diana Middleton

September 16, 2009

Winter Term Information Session

Attention Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors!

Winter Term Information Session:

Thursday, September 17

12:30 pm in Library 201 -or- 4:30 pm in Hillcrest 103

Interested in building your career experience with a Winter Term internship?  This is a good time to try a new field or build on a past experience to be well positioned for that important summer internship. Come to this session and learn how to get credit, find opportunities or create your own, and get answers to all your questions.

Also visit:

Browse the blog to read student responses from last year’s Winter Term Internship experiences!

For more information about the information session:

Contact Tim Mosehauer at