Internship Highlights: Using Your Language Skills

Since Middlebury is known for it’s languages, many of you have backgrounds in Spanish, French, or Chinese,  or have even taken up linguistics. These language-related internships sound super interesting, and  may be the perfect match for a language-minded Midd kid. Head over to MOJO to read up on these positions or to apply today!

1. Business Planning and Development Intern at The Language Way in Ossing, NY

Deadline to Apply: April 20

The Language Way offers customized Spanish classes for organizations and individuals who need to service their clients professionally in Spanish; multinational corporations doing business abroad and/or interested in consolidating departments within North and South America have found their programs essential to meeting their goals and containing costs. In this internship you will work with the president of The Language Way and local small businesses to develop an effective business plan and marketing strategy for the company so they can grow their business to the next level. *Although this internship is unpaid, you can apply for funding from Middlebury at go/summerfunding.

2. Paid International Project Management Intern at Sprung Language Solutions in NYC

Deadline to Apply: April 30

If you are interested in international communications, then this may be the position for you! Working here would give you the chance to help Fortune-500 companies grow their international business, build your own career path, and participate in driving company policy. In this position, you will be responsible for searching for translators that meet Sprung requirements, screening applicants, trafficking new jobs to/from  translators, and conducting cross-language quality checks across all languages.

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