The hardest part about drafting or revising my resume or cover letter always seems to come down to the small details. Do I have an academic advisor or an academic adviser? Am I interested in the nonprofit field or the non-profit field? Did I intern with the US Department of Education or the U.S. Department of Education? (Actually, neither, but I would like to! Call me?) I inevitably end up Googling my query and settling for faceless internet advice from someone on Yahoo! Answers named Bart who claims to have done “research” on the subject.
Boy, I sure do wish I had known that there was an Editorial Style Guide available on the Middlebury website that breaks down all that stuff I’ve Googled! (Wait — googled?) Have a question about capitalization, abbreviation, foreign expressions or split infinitives? Wondering if it’s sacrilegious to hyphenate “Middlebury?” (It’s not — provided it “improves the spacing of the printed document.”) Good to know, right?