1. Sales & Marketing Intern at Vtrim Online Solutions in Middlebury, VT
Deadline to Apply: May 14
Vtrim is commercializing an online, behavioral weight management program researched and developed at UVM’s Nutrition and Food Sciences department through NIH funding. Vtrim aims to reshape the national debate on obesity in America. Solving the national obesity epidemic is no longer about individuals and diets–it’s about kindling a cultural shift to reduce obesity through education. Interning at Vtrim would include working closely with the CEO and Business Development Manager (a Midd alum!) to research potential clients, assist in marketing campaigns, and writing and designing sales and marketing information.
2. Preservation Intern at Sylvester Manor Educational Farm in Shelter Island, NY
Deadline to Apply: May 14
Sylvester Manor is a 243-acre educational farm on Shelter Island, NY. Started in 1652, the Manor has been a native hunting grounds, a triangle-trade plantation, and home to the father of modern food chemistry, Eben Norton Horsford. Today they grow vegetables for their 125-family CSA, and host a wide variety of educational programs for all ages, focusing on the connections between food, culture and place. The preservation intern would archive historic books, furniture and artwork; share exciting finds and tell the story of the Manor through the web, social media and print media; lead tours of the buildings and grounds during open house days; and assist in maintaining historic structures. This opportunity is provided by Midd alum Bennett Konesni ’04.
3. Arts and Education Intern at Sylvester Manor Educational Farm in Shelter Island, NY
Deadline to Apply: May 14
Sylvester Manor is a 243-acre educational farm on Shelter Island, NY. Started in 1652, the Manor has been a native hunting grounds, a triangle-trade plantation, and home to the father of modern food chemistry, Eben Norton Horsford. Today they grow vegetables for their 125-family CSA, and host a wide variety of educational programs for all ages, focusing on the connections between food, culture and place. They are looking for an intern that assist with planning and publicity, social networking, on-site logistics, project management & execution for Summer Youth Programs, Contra Dance Series, John Elder Literature of Food and Farming Workshop, Green Theater’s Shakespeare in the Field and other artistic/educational projects.